Jargon is Junk

| September 11, 2012

I was working with a client last week who riddled his speech with industry jargon and acronyms.  I felt frustrated and confused trying to figure out what he was trying to say. I was reminded of a wonderful and amusing blog post I read late last year by Dan Pallotta (@danpallotta). It was published in [...]


Top 7 “Good Reads” for Communicators

| August 23, 2012

As you might imagine, I’ve read dozens and dozens of books on communications. Here’s my short-list of “good reads.” None is new. For leaders, executives and other professional communicators, these books will stimulate your thinking, creativity and productivity, even if you read small bits at a time. Whether you are looking to improve your impact, [...]


Do you dread impromptu speaking?

| May 15, 2012

I was speaking with a client this morning who told me his boss was a superb speaker.  In fact, he said, there are times it makes him jealous.  My client said he is witness to his boss jotting notes on cue cards for 15 minutes, only to take the stage a few minutes later and [...]


“Yeah, but…”

| April 13, 2012

I was at a party recently chatting with a small group of people when a new person entered the group, listened for a moment and then said “yeah, but…” As you might imagine, the group was ever-so-slightly put off. Why? Because “Yeah, but” is language that sets up opposition. “Yeah, but I hear “yeah but” [...]


Are you giving a “Best Picture” performance?

| February 28, 2012

Are you giving a “Best Picture” performance? The Academy Award-winning silent-era-style movie, The Artist, truly underscores that powerful movements and expressions create impact. What did the actors in this movie communicate? Joy, anguish, enthusiasm, worry, fear, despair. Even Uggie, the little dog demonstrated the power of purposeful movement as he hustled down the street to [...]


Speaking Tip: Reception is crucial in football and in speaking!

| February 3, 2012

Reception. It’s crucial in football and in speaking. When the quarterback passes the football, the goal is for the ball to be received. The same is true when you speak. You make your point and the audience needs a moment to receive what you say. This is why the skillful practice of the “pause” is [...]


Speak Often – It’s good for business, great for your career

| January 14, 2012

Sharing your experience and expertise with industry peers is good for business and great for your career. Each year thousands of trade shows and conferences are held covering virtually every topic, industry and profession. These events provide you the chance to build your reputation as well as the reputation of the company or organization you [...]


New Year’s Resolutions with a Twist

| January 1, 2012

Our fresh take on classic New Year’s resolutions will help you communicate effectively as an executive and leader and to succeed in 2012. Sticking to these speaking tips will keep your communications sharp and clear and your team inspired, aligned and focused on the goals you’ve set for the year. Whether speaking during a meeting, [...]


Rapid Speak is a Liability

| December 5, 2011

“Rapid Speak” gets a lot of people in trouble. What is rapid speak? Speaking uncomfortably fast for the listener. A number of years ago, FedEx ran a famous, amusing commercial that illustrates the tension produced by rapid speak. For some, rapid speech is their natural speed. For others, it’s a by product of anxiety. And [...]


Executives – Get Ready for Video

| November 7, 2011

More and more executives are inquiring about training for video presentations. Organizations are using YouTube, video interviews, webcasts and website videos to reach a wide audience with key company messages delivered personally by the corporate leaders. If you’ve done some video you know it’s not as easy as it looks. To get you started: With [...]
