Are you giving a “Best Picture” performance?

Posted By on February 28, 2012

The Artist movie

"The Artist"ldflj

Are you giving a “Best Picture” performance? The Academy Award-winning silent-era-style movie, The Artist, truly underscores that powerful movements and expressions create impact. What did the actors in this movie communicate? Joy, anguish, enthusiasm, worry, fear, despair. Even Uggie, the little dog demonstrated the power of purposeful movement as he hustled down the street to get help to save the life of his owner, George Valentin.

What are you “saying” with your body language? How powerful is your facial animation?

Take a good hard look at your body language by video recording your next presentation or speech. Watch the recording and notice whether your facial expressions, gestures and movements are purposeful and consistent with your message. Are they improving or diminishing your impact?

When coaching professionals, we help them to leverage body language to elevate their impact. Remember, speaking for impact is not an accident. It’s a skill. Effective use of body language is a core presentation skill and public speaking skill.

Share your thoughts

If you saw the movie “The Artist”, what impressed you about the actors’ use of body language?

In preparing for a speech or presentation, have you practiced your gestures, facial expressions and movements to identify those that are most effective?

Share you observations in a comment to this post.

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