Judy | October 8, 2013
As you prepare for your next important meeting, consider how you will connect with your audience. By doing so, you will earn the audience’s attention and be afforded the opportunity to influence them. Consider Who is your audience and what do they care about? Why should this specific audience care what you have to [...]
Category: Speaking Skills, Speaking Tips |
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Tags: audience, Speaking for impact, speaking tip, Speaking Tips
Judy | September 20, 2013
People who have the Speaking Strength(tm) make their point simply, instead of expecting the audience to decipher a complex message. Read tips on how to get to the point and make your message memorable.
Category: Clarity, Speaking Strengths(tm), Speaking Tips, Uncategorized |
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Tags: audience, clarity, concise, Presentation, presentation skills, Presentations, Speaking for impact, speaking strengths, speaking tip, Speech
Judy | June 14, 2013
If the unexpected hiccup occurs during your presentation, follow the good example of Houston meteorologist David Paul and Judy Grant’s sound advice.
Category: Authenticity, Humility, Speaking Skills, Speaking Strengths(tm) |
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Tags: Authenticity, Presentation, Public speaking, public speaking skills, Speaking for impact, speaking skills, speaking strengths, speaking tip, Speaking Tips
Judy | September 11, 2012
I was working with a client last week who riddled his speech with industry jargon and acronyms. I felt frustrated and confused trying to figure out what he was trying to say. I was reminded of a wonderful and amusing blog post I read late last year by Dan Pallotta (@danpallotta). It was published in [...]
Category: Speaking Skills, Speaking Tips, Why Speaking and Media Skills Matter |
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Tags: buzzwords, jargon, mistakes to avoid, Speaking for impact, speaking skills, speaking tip
Judy | February 3, 2012
Reception. It’s crucial in football and in speaking. When the quarterback passes the football, the goal is for the ball to be received. The same is true when you speak. You make your point and the audience needs a moment to receive what you say. This is why the skillful practice of the “pause” is [...]
Category: Speaking Skills, Speaking Tips |
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Tags: pause, power of the pause, presentation skills, public speaking skills, Speaking for impact, speaking skills, speaking tip, Speaking Tips